Leveled Literacy Intervention

Leveled Literacy Intervention is a short-term, supplementary, small-group literacy intervention designed to help struggling readers achieve grade-level competency. The intervention provides explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, oral language skills, and writing. LLI helps teachers match students with texts of progressing difficulty and deliver systematic lessons targeted to a student’s reading ability.


Three days in person and three online | $2,900

  • Check back for dates or ask about a customized schedule for your school or district.

Prepares individuals to teach using the Orange, Green, and Blue Leveled Literacy Intervention Systems. Six Days: The first three in-person days introduce the LLI frameworks for teaching. Before returning online for the second and third sessions, teachers work with students using LLI. During the second session, teachers refine their work within the framework and understand more about working with students who find literacy difficult. Teachers use their own student data to dive deeper into teaching, prompting, and reinforcing.

Participants must have access to Leveled Literacy Intervention Systems through Heinemann.

Please bring the following required texts with you:

  • When Readers Struggle by Fountas and Pinnell,
  • The Fountas and Pinnell Literacy Continuum, Expanded Edition,
  • Prompting Guides 1 and 2 by Fountas and Pinnell.

LLI 3-8

Three days in person and three online | $2,900

  • Check back for dates or ask about a customized schedule for your school or district.

Prepares individuals to teach using the Red, Gold, Purple, and Teal Leveled Literacy Intervention Systems. Six Days: The first three in-person days introduce the LLI frameworks for teaching. Before returning online for the second and third sessions, teachers work with students using LLI. During the second session, teachers refine their work within the framework and understand more about working with students who find literacy difficult. Teachers use their own student data to dive deeper into teaching, prompting, and reinforcing.

Participants must have access to Leveled Literacy Intervention Systems through Heinemann.

Please bring the following required texts with you:

  • The Fountas and Pinnell Literacy Continuum, Expanded Edition
  • Prompting Guide 2 by Fountas and Pinnell


LLI Participants

Inspiration and motivation

"Our longstanding investment and the work we have done with Literacy Collaborative has been relevant and impactful to the growth in our district" — Greg Figenser.

Sweetwater School District #2 in Green River, Wyoming, turned to LLI to reverse a decade-long slide in reading and writing achievement. Read about Sweetwater's LLI journey.
